In case you ever want to navigate your way through all of the help available in Google SketchUp, here's a quick guide:
There is the Help Center with really basic information about downloading and installing, links to major areas, high-level FAQs and such.
The User's Guide (which interestingly enough looks fine in Firefox but gives me an "Error on page" in IE) has the real nuts-and-bolts of what each control does and how to use it. This is deep information about all aspects of the UI.
The Help Groups which is a link to all of the Google Groups that have to do with SketchUp.
Video tutorials which are fun to watch but might be a little slow for some tastes. But there are 26 of them, so if something is perplexing, the answer might be here.
Examples (actually model structures) of both realistic and wireframe buildings.
Quick Reference Card a one-page PDF describing in shorthand how to use all of the UI widgets
SketchUp Community with a link to the public Google Groups, but also another link to the "Pro" groups.
Ruby Help The introduction to SketchUp's Ruby API
Self-Paced Tutorials Very nice, basic, simple tutorials that run within SketchUp itself. Only 6 of them, and they don't cover the super-complex topics, but they'll take you a long way.
Send a Suggestion Just in case this doesn't cover what you want, people are listening :)
There is the Help Center with really basic information about downloading and installing, links to major areas, high-level FAQs and such.
The User's Guide (which interestingly enough looks fine in Firefox but gives me an "Error on page" in IE) has the real nuts-and-bolts of what each control does and how to use it. This is deep information about all aspects of the UI.
The Help Groups which is a link to all of the Google Groups that have to do with SketchUp.
Video tutorials which are fun to watch but might be a little slow for some tastes. But there are 26 of them, so if something is perplexing, the answer might be here.
Examples (actually model structures) of both realistic and wireframe buildings.
Quick Reference Card a one-page PDF describing in shorthand how to use all of the UI widgets
SketchUp Community with a link to the public Google Groups, but also another link to the "Pro" groups.
Ruby Help The introduction to SketchUp's Ruby API
Self-Paced Tutorials Very nice, basic, simple tutorials that run within SketchUp itself. Only 6 of them, and they don't cover the super-complex topics, but they'll take you a long way.
Send a Suggestion Just in case this doesn't cover what you want, people are listening :)