Like any recipe, you can tweak this for your own situation. First, you need a shared test environment to work in. I recommend beginning with a persistent test environment intended to model your production environment as closely as possible. While you may eventually evolve the ability to share a test environment with commonly-configured VMs or containers, having a persistent shared test environment at the beginning gives everyone the experience of keeping something running that looks a lot like the production system. (TOAD! DevOps!) For that matter, proper use of feature flags and such could make production itself a perfectly fine shared test environment. Sharing the responsibility of keeping the shared test environment up and running and valuable is a big part of understanding the value of the recipe. Second, you need some end-to-end tests (Testing!) to run against the shared test environment. You need to set up test data, tear down test data, type the typies and click the clickies
QA is not evil