Today stickyminds published my article with expanded descriptions of the "10 Frontiers for Software Testing" that I suggested as starting points for those interested in attending the second Writing About Testing conference . Since I announced the CFP for the first WAT conference in October 2009, I have published several dozen articles on software and software testing. (I actually lost count: it is well over thirty but fewer than fifty individual pieces.) My friend Charley Baker asked me recently where I get the ideas for so many articles. It is an interesting question, and worth answering: The most important source of ideas is simply everyday work. As I go about doing my job, it happens fairly often that a situation crops up that I think would be of general interest to the community of software testers and developers. So I write it down and I make it public. Articles about bugs, bug reports, test design, architecture, workflow, telecommu...
QA is not evil