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Showing posts from December, 2010

where ideas come from

Today stickyminds published my article with expanded descriptions of the "10 Frontiers for Software Testing" that I suggested as starting points for those interested in attending the second Writing About Testing conference .  Since I announced the CFP for the first WAT conference in October 2009, I have published several dozen articles on software and software testing.  (I actually lost count: it is well over thirty but fewer than fifty individual pieces.) My friend Charley Baker asked me recently where I get the ideas for so many articles.   It is an interesting question, and worth answering: The most important source of ideas is simply everyday work.  As I go about doing my job, it happens fairly often that a situation crops up that I think would be of general interest to the community of software testers and developers.  So I write it down and I make it public.  Articles about bugs, bug reports, test design, architecture, workflow, telecommu...

Writing About Testing participants

I took a poll of those interested so far in attending the second Writing About Testing peer conference May 13 and 14 and found that nine people are very seriously considering attending.  This is what they are thinking of discussing: Lisa Crispin (CO)  new and emerging approaches since the publication of Agile Testing Alan Page (WA) a new approach to test design, also personas for tester career roles Marlena Compton   (Australia) ongoing research in visualization of software project data Dawn Cannan   (NC) executable specifications within larger testing projects Sylvia Killinen (CO) practicing software craftsmanship Elena Yatzeck (IL) implementing DSLs for use by non-programmers Shmuel Gershon (Israel) diverse approaches to writing about testing using personas Charley Baker (CO) large-scale, Enterprise automation systems, open source Marisa Burt (CO) EAI in Enterprise systems UPDATED: Zeger Van Hese (Belgium) critical theory, etc. Frank Cohen (...