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Announcing the Bay Area Developer-Tester/Tester-Developer Summit

If you're interested, leave a comment on the blog or send me an email or an IM or smoke signals or something. Here is the flyer Elisabeth Hendrickson and I have been sending:

What: A peer-driven gathering of developer-testers and tester-developers to share knowledge and code.

When: Saturday, February 24, 8:30AM – 5:00PM

This is a small, peer-driven, non-commercial, invitation-only conference in the tradition of LAWST, AWTA, and the like. The content comes from the participants, and we expect all participants to take an active role. There is no cost to participate.

We’re seeking participants who are testers who code, or developers who test.

Our emphasis will be on good coding practices for testing, and good testing practices for automation. That might include topics like: test code and patterns; refactoring test code; creating abstract layers; programmatically analyzing/verifying large amounts of data; achieving repeatability with random tests; OO model-based tests; creating domain specific languages; writing test fixtures or harnesses; and/or automatically generating large amounts of test data.

These are just possible topics we might explore. The actual topics will depend on who comes and what experience reports/code they’re willing to share.

For more information on the inspiration behind this meeting, see two of my recent blog entries:

This is an open call for participation. Please feel free to forward it to other Developer-Testers and Tester-Developers who you think are interested enough to want to spend a whole Saturday discussing the topic and sharing code.

Proposed Agenda:

* Timeboxed group discussions: “Essential attributes of a tester-developer and developer-tester (differences and similarities)” and “What tester-developers want to learn from developers; what developer-testers want to learn from testers.”

* Code Examples/Experience Reports (we figure we have time for 3 of these)

* End of day discussion: Raising visibility for the role of a DT/TD, building community among practitioner

If you’re interested in participating, please send me an email answering these questions:

* Which are you: a tester who codes or a developer who tests?

* How did you come to have that role?

* What languages do you usually program tests in?

* What do you hope to contribute to the Bay Area DT/TD summit? Do you have any code or examples that you’d like to share? (Please note that you should not share anything covered by a non-disclosure agreement.)

* What do you hope to get out of the Bay Area DT/TD summit?


Your hosts:

Elisabeth Hendrickson
Chris McMahon