Selenesse is the mashup between Fitnesse and Selenium I helped work on some time ago. I keep encountering this pattern in my selenesse tests, so I thought I'd share it... Every once in a while a test needs some sort of persistent quasi-random bit of data. In the example below I'm adding a new unique "location" and then checking that my new location appears selected in a selectbox. This is also a neat trick for testing search, or anywhere else you need to add a bit of data to the system and then retrieve that exact bit of data from somewhere else in the system. | note | eval javascript inline FTW! | | type; | location_name | javascript{RN='TestLocation' + Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999999);while (String(RN).length < 14) { RN= RN+'0';}} | | note | instantiate a variable and assign the new value to it in a single line FTW! | | $LOCATION= | getValue | location_name | | note | click a thingie to add the new data to the system | | click |...
QA is not evil