Depending on how you define the term, I have been on at least five and as many as seven agile software teams. Two were brilliant; two were poisonous; the rest were just flaky. A big part of the poison stems from not understanding how to do agile estimation. This is part of a message that showed up on a mail list I lurk on: I'm working with a team that does great work. They are skilled and work well together. They also average about 50% or less in meeting their sprint commitments. And don't seem to mind. "There's a lot to do we just didn't get to it all." "We'll do that in the next sprint." "Yeah, that's not working yet." These are the kinds of statements during the sprint or in the retrospectives. How do I help this team look at the problem to solve it, instead of just living with it? Since the list name has the word "Scrum" in it, I will assume this person is a Scrum Master. The first misunderstanding here is to know t...
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